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[15 Jun 2017|05:45pm]

*sheepishly glances around*

oh hi guys
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[07 Jun 2017|10:52pm]

Hiya folks.

Just a heads up, I am at a music festival and pretty much off the internet grid from now until Monday night/Tuesday morning.

Have a lovely few days, see you soon.

Amy <3
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[30 May 2017|01:44pm]

Hey Kids! -- I'm out of town this week traveling to the lands of the North. While I won't be completely out of pocket, I will be slower to respond and in case I miss anything, feel free to poke me in chat.

I miss you all already!
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[29 May 2017|09:47pm]

Hello folks,

Just Amy with a quick note to say that I have changed Narcissa's PB. Do not be alarmed. Yes, that's Amber Heard.

OK, thanks.

Bye. <3
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[26 May 2017|03:23pm]

Hem hem.

Yes, lovelies. It's this bitch. Anna here bringing you Dolores Umbridge. She's 30, a former Slytherin, and head of the Improper Use of Magic office. She desires power and order, and really thinks she should be on the Wizengamot. It's her duty. She is loyal to the Ministry, even though she sorta agrees with the Death Eaters' philosophy, but despises their tactics. Terrorism is not the answer. We need order, people!

So friends (lol), enemies, frenemies? Gimme your plots.
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[18 May 2017|11:53pm]



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Bellatrix/Narcissa/Rod/Minister/DMLE PLOT [14 May 2017|05:08pm]

I apologise for spamming you with plot related things, but I just need to get this finalised so people know how to react.

This all happened over the course of Friday night/Saturday morning.

♥ Narcissa stopped the attack from getting too far. Bellatrix and Rod left to pack their house up pretty quickly, but before they left Bellatrix threw the Dark Mark up.
♥ The Dark Mark was reported and the Auror department arrived. Ted and Andy are gone, but Moody sent word to St. Mungo's to see if they were there while also sending another team to scout the area.
♥ Moody arrived at St. Mungo's. Andy explained that Bellatrix and Rod attacked them, mentioned the runes and that Narcissa was the one to stop the attack. The runes will be enough evidence (accompanied with Remus' previous testimony of a female being involved in his attack AND THE DARK MARK) to make Bellatrix a known Death Eater. Rodolphus, too, but that's more of an assumption. He will simply be a wanted man and assumed Death Eater (If this makes sense--let me know if it doesn't).
♥ Moody will have gone in pursuit of Bellatrix and Rodolphus, but will have found them missing. Another team will have brought Lucius and Narcissa in for questioning (assuming they have not gone on the run, too). Lucius' sway with the Minister would prevent Moody from using the same interrogation techniques that he used on Astrid/Kur, but the Minister will begin to cut contact with Lucius.

BASICALLY, Narcissa is my grey point here. This can be changed and adapted, but I thought it was best to consolidate. ALSO, if you feel like your character would be involved in this and I have missed it, please don't hesitate to comment. This would affect anyone working in the DMLE or with an association to Bellatrix.
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Info gathering for May's Witch Weekly [11 May 2017|08:40pm]

It's coming up on that time again!

Please give me gossip for your characters for May's issue of Witch Weekly. I would like to try and write some short articles this time too, so asking early should give me time to chat with anyone if needed.

♥ Dex
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[09 May 2017|06:33am]

Hey all! Kat here bringing you Alphard Black. Yep, that Alphard Black. Walburga's sister, Sirius' uncle, blasted off the Black family tapestry by his mother and good riddance as far as he's concerned.

Alphard - or Alfie to his friends - is a '51 Slytherin. Yeah, he was as surprised as anyone about the Slytherin thing but then again, he was already very good at lying to his family by the age of eleven so he supposes it makes sense. He's independently wealthy, as they say, having inherited an aunt's (or possibly a cousin's... she was a Black so it's quite likely both) fortune.

He was disowned and kicked out of the Black family when he was eighteen, shortly after he finished at Hogwarts. It was... mostly accidental. He'd always intended to get himself kicked out but being caught in flagrante delicto with a young man at a society party wasn't quite the way he intended to do it. Still, it was done and off he went to find out what life was all about when you weren't being stifled by the Black family. (And yes, he is, as they say, gay as Dick's hatband and he doesn't care who knows it.)

He still doesn't work, though he does invest in promising projects and so on and he has a very good eye for that so he's managed to have his money make more money. Not that he really cares as long as he's comfortable. He's rather studiously neutral in the war given his name and his past and all that and he does have something of a conservative streak in him but overall he's all for equality and so on.

Anyway, I'll stop babbling. You can read all about him here and I'd love all the plot/friends/enemies etc.
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[28 Apr 2017|09:56pm]


Oh hello! Jenguin with character two and I still hate intros. So, I'll give this one my best shot...

THIS is Nicholette Moody nee Belby. Let's do this in bullet points, yes? Yes.

  • Known as Nichole or Nicki to her friends.

  • Known as "Moody's ex-wife" to everyone else.

  • Ravenclaw class of 1963.

  • She works hard and plays hard and boy does she know how to play.
  • Sister to Damocles Belby, the creator of Wolfsbane.

  • She is an alchemist and can do some pretty wicked things.

  • Produces a potion that keeps one looking beautiful and young, although it causes some interesting side effects. She sells it only on the black market, usually down Knockturn and under a different name, so no one knows it is she who makes it.

  • Is a neutral pureblood in this war and could lean either way.

  • Even though she left her husband, she still cares about him and hooks up with him. Whoops.

  • There's more in her profile.

  • *grabby hands for plots*

  • It's a Harry Potter weekend on Freeform.

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[27 Apr 2017|07:37pm]

Salutations from evening bio lab! I'm Erin, I'm new, and I got hot sauce in my bag (swag). More importantly, I bring you RITA SKEETER.

Rita is the successfully product of a really shitty family (who constantly hit her up for $$), now lucratively working for Daily Prophet after destroying the career of a respected Wizengamot member who was up to some very not-respectable things. Uncanny talent for digging up dirt via a carefully applied combination of research, informants, blackmail, and spying (*cough*unregisteredanimagus*cough*). Slytherclaw. Use to get into bitch fights at school about who was better, Plato or Xenophon. Rita cares about three things in this world and that's luxury, hyperbole, and a good story--and also big dogs. She's here to sensationalize the war, throw more shade than a palm tree, and spill all the tea.

Your plots. I want them.
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[27 Apr 2017|03:57pm]

Hello! I'm Ariel and I'm bad at intros but here are some info-bullets and a gif of balloons so forgive me.

Anyway, meet Miss Sinistra Lowe,
➤ born a Burke. Lowe is her late husband's name.
➤ slytherin class of '71 where her extracurricular included detention for insulting a professor's penmanship or casually flinging the word 'mudblood' around like skittles at a party
➤ one older brother (Slytherin. 32. *eyezooms @ annie*) and one younger (Ravenclaw. 22. Independent Curse Breaker.); bosses them both around
➤ author on topics of pureblood supremacy, purist leaning politics, and anti-muggle history
➤ likes muggles like she likes her coffee. she doesn't like coffee
➤ has a limp (slight on good days, severe enough she needs a cane on bad ones) from being hit by a car when she was a child
➤ appears heavily on talk shows and political debates on the WWN where they like to throw her at some poor unsuspecting muggle enthusiast and let her verbally peel the skin off them--known informally as Trial by Lowe.
➤ history buff u gais. worked in a museum archive, pre-celebrity
➤ then she went off to Novosibirsk and you know how it is in Novosibirsk -- purist minded academia forums, secret societies, Stalin. that sort of thing
➤ was briefly married to her silver fox of a writing mentor before he died
➤ pretty damn smiley for someone who disagrees with 96% of the population (do not check those statistics, I made them up)
➤ very polite, even when she's being very rude

I am very excited, give me all things.
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[27 Apr 2017|02:20pm]

An update on poor Lana.

She's been tortured and killed. Astrid sent pieces of her heart to Molly, Gideon, Fabian, and Emmeline. The heart pieces are sent to St. Mungo's for evaluation, but tests cannot determine who the heart belongs to, other than that it is a human heart.

Kur dumps her body in a predominantly Muggle area, so that there's a delay before it's found.

But they had a slip-up -- Moody will recognize Astrid's handwriting on the packages, and Kur had an exchange with Lana in the past.
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[26 Apr 2017|09:22am]

I mentioned this in chat, but just to officialize it -- I've been around less because company is here right now. Tomorrow, we're all going away to Calgary for the Comic Convention so I will be around almost not at all until Monday, and may or may not even have the energy to check-in. Conventions are exhausting.

Also, random FYI -- I will be cosplaying Sally Jupiter on Friday, Victorian Poison Ivy on Saturday, and Hufflepuff Girl on Sunday. XDDD

So, character summaries behind the cut )

I will try to reply to any comments here, so if you have questions, feel free to leave them here!
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LEGS IS SICK [26 Apr 2017|02:01pm]

And getting sicker and sicker. You might have noticed that I have been sparse in chat. I'm also gonna be sparse on the posting/tagging/etc for a bit because I feel like I'm being digested by a whale, and that makes it hard to concentrate on anything beyond the soothing tones of Eminent Naturalist David Attenborough. Please consider this to be a slow-as-fuck-atus for Bellatrix, Castor, Fenrir, Molly, and Grizzy.

If anyone needs any hand wavey details while I'm convalescing, please leave a comment here because my AIM presence is gonna be like... zero until I can look at all those moving swimmy words without a headache again.
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[24 Apr 2017|09:46pm]

Hey all. I need to take a hiatus until at least Sunday. As some of you know, I had a bit of a turn on Saturday that resulted in me spending the night in the hospital. Short version - I had a lot of symptoms that indicate a heart attack, called the ambulance, was taken to the hospital, many tests were done and the end result was that it was not a heart attack. Unfortunately, they didn't have an answer as to what it actually was. I have more tests coming up, probably this week, maybe next week depending on various things, so the upshot of all of that is... I need to just step away a little bit.

I mean, knowing me, it won't be a complete hiatus because I'm never good at staying away entirely but I won't be in chat and I won't be highly active. However, if you need me for something or just want to say hello, feel free to email me. I know I owe some tags so I will probably at least get to them and if anyone wants to do something thread-shaped, I'm up for that, I'll just be slow to tag.
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Greetings! [22 Apr 2017|08:29am]

Hello everyone! My name is Miranda and I'm bringing you everyone's favorite muggle loving Hufflepuff, Charity Burbage. I'd love to discuss possible backstory with anyone that would be interested.

Charity is a recent grad from Hogwarts that is waffling on what to do in the world like every typical "I don't know what to do with my life" graduated senior. She's been studying and living in London watching muggles and writing down her experiences.

She'd dedicated to equality and wants people to be treated based on their merits rather than blood status. She's a half blood, her dad is a pureblood and her mother is a muggle. She has an auror for a brother that I would looooove for someone to play.

I'm around most evenings, you can reach me at my AIM if you would like to plot!
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[22 Apr 2017|07:39am]

Hey all! Kat here with my first bad boy. :D

This here is Jasper Nott. He's a '48 Slytherin, a Death Eater and a Healer in the Creature-Induced Injuries Ward. Most people would know him as a polite, urbane, slightly austere sort of man - an excellent healer with a good bedside manner who genuinely cares about his patients. Perhaps a bit conservative in some of his views but nothing outwardly harmful. He may even be viewed as being a bit eccentric with his interest in Muggle surgical techniques.

Inwardly, he's a different story. He's deeply dedicated to purism and the Death Eater cause and he truly believes in the superiority of witches and wizards over Muggles. He doesn't want to kill all the Muggles - nothing so gauche - but he does believe that they are inherently inferior and thus that Muggleborns possess that same inferiority.

What else...? Uh, he has a son, Mikael, who is open for play. His wife... er... died many years ago. And he is good friends with Melisande Yaxley. *nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, eh?* Anyway, you can read all about him here and I am all up for family, friend, colleagues etc!

Oh, forgot to add - Jasper acts as a healer to the Death Eaters and their allies so he's on call for that if any of your characters ever need it.
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[21 Apr 2017|01:27pm]
Hi all, Nikki here with one more....

Henry Greyback Deverill )
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[15 Apr 2017|06:46am]

Hello everyone! I'm Kat and I'll be bringing you a couple of characters right off the bat. :D

This journal is for Benjy Fenwick. Benjy is a '71 Muggleborn Gryffindor who has gone on to become a Hitwizard and join the Order of the Phoenix. He's a pretty nice guy but due to the death of his brother a few years ago, he's also a pretty reckless one. He's not trying to kill himself or anything like that but he's angry and upset and guilty about what happened and he's sublimating that into extra reckless in both his job and his work with the Order. He won't risk the mission going sour but he will put himself into harm's way to protect other people. Other than that, Benjy's pretty friendly as long as you're not a purist douchebag. :D And you can find out more about him here

I also have Aberforth Dumbledore over at [info]goaten. Abe owns and runs the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade and he generally just likes to be left alone to be old and cranky. But he's also a member of the Order so he doesn't always get that chance. Abe feeds information he overhears in the pub (and he's set the place up so that he can overhear quite a lot) to the Order, he dabbles in the black market so he can usually get his hands on whatever you need (and he'll do that for anyone, it's just that he might tattle on you depending on who you are) and if push comes to shove, he can and will fight. And if he fights, he fights dirty and mean. He's not a stupid as Albus often likes to portray him (Abe's idea, he likes being underestimated) but he does prefer practical learning over sitting around with his nose in a book. And you can find out all about him here

I am all up for friend/frenemies/enemies/any and all plot whatsoever for both of them!
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